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Fundraising for Service

Lens for a Lending Hand

Almost There (In More Ways Than One)

December 17, 2017

In a little over a week I will be on a flight to London! It is so close, and so is meeting my fundraising goal!

So many of you wonderful people have donated to me to get me where I am at: $725!  Thank each and everyone of you!  


This also means I get to spend 15 hours with the kidos at Heuser Hearing! Lets keep it going!


Half Way Mark!

November 20, 2017

Today we hit is half way point! To this date I have raised over $500 for Lens for a Lending Hand! 


Not only does this mean I am more then half way to being able to fund a portion of my study abroad, but it also means I get to spend 10+ hours with the kids at Heuser Hearing Institute!

I cannot thank you all enough! 

Heuser Hearing Insitute

November 15, 2023

I am happy to announce that the location of my service for Lens for a Lending Hand is (drum roll please).....Heuser Hearing Institute!


This amazing location was brought to my attention through a friend who is related to the person in charge of the Children's Learning Academy here is Louisville. After a meeting and a tour of the facility was heart was sold.


To explain Heuser Hearing, here is a clip from their webite linked below:


HHLA has been serving children and families across Kentucky and southern Indiana since the 1940s, and we currently work in 25 counties throughout the region. We strive to substantially impact the lives of children with hearing loss, profound deafness, and processing, speech, and language delays or disorders by educating and empowering them for a successful future.

Heuser Hearing & Language Academy offers a full-time preschool and kindergarten program that follows all state curriculum guidelines while also incorporating unique teaching and learning strategies created around our students’ needs. We strongly believe in the importance of the arts in the lives of children affected by delays and disabilities, and our music, dance, and art therapy programs are an integral part of the HHLA curriculum.

I am extremely excited to start my work here, and bring all of you along with me!



What Is LLH?

November 2, 2017

Bellarmine University has presented me with the incredible opportunity to study abroad in London and Dublin this winter! I will be taking Photography 101: Through the Lens while abroad, to toward completing my degree.  The trip itself costs about $5,000 and I have already recieved a Scholarship of $1,000 from Bellarmine!

In order to fund this trip abroad, I have decided to create a personal project I am dubbing ‘Lens for a Lending Hand.’ 

For every $50 benchmark I reach, I will donate an hour of my time to a nonprofit here in Louisville, Kentucky. The name of the organization will be released soon!

Please do not feel obligated, however, any donation that could be given will not only fund my education abroad, but serve as an avenue to give back to to those in need as well.

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